Salsaworkshops with Carlos El Rumberito
2 Tuesdays with authentic Cuban salsa with Carlos El Rumberito - Intensive Cuban salsa workshops for intermediate and advanced dancers. Carlos was born and a trained salsa instructor in Cuba, so it doesn't get any more Cuban.
The teaching runs over 2 teaching lessons for 90 minutes, with a small break in the middle.
Start Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at. 19: 00-20: 45. Last class is Tuesday, November 19, 2019.
The price per time is 80, -. Charged a total of 160, -
You must be a member of the association to participate in regular teaching. If you are not, it costs DKK 50 a year for membership.
There will be priority for current team participants and otherwise it is 'first come, first served'. We reserve the right to close the team for women if gender distribution becomes too skewed. If you come as a couple, you are guaranteed space.
As usual, there will be free salsa dancing in the 'Salen' from 21.00-22.00 on 12 November 2019.
Registration must be done at
See more information about the association at
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